Light Rail Transit: A Proven Alternative

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Light Rail Transit: A Proven Alternative - Image of the front cover of the cassette case. Light Rail Transit: A Proven Alternative is intended for promoting the basic concepts of light rail transit to general audiences. It is only 15 minutes long, an ideal length to kick off a meeting and give all the participants a common framework for discussion.

The program is approximately half interviews with residents, politicians, and businesspersons in cities where successful light rail systems have been built, and half scenes of light rail systems in operation in 11 North American cities. It will be of only marginal interest to railfans, except to the extent they are rail transit advocates.

The DVD version can be played as a continuous loop for use in a kiosk or at day-long public gatherings. The locations of the various systems shown can be displayed by turning the subtitles on.

Order code LRT, 15 minutes.........$19.95

Other TGM titles of interest to light rail advocates are:

Web links

Light rail advocates can find a huge collection of resources (including more links) at the web site of the Light Rail Transit Association.

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